Saturday, March 30, 2013


Oh how I'll be able to enjoy the blessings that come from parenting soon- I won't lie, it scares me! I thought that it was interesting that we started out with the whole Supreme Court deal whether marriage should be between a man and wife or if we should allow gay/lebians to be able to have that right to be married to each other.  Everything that we've learned this semester kind of tied in of why birth rates may be lower than it used to be.  People just wait to have children or don't have children because they don't want to bring a child into this society that we live in.  I have contemplated that a few times when we talked about having kids and how scary it is to bring them in because of everything that they will be surrounded in.  The world is a scary/crazy place.  My husband and I knew that is why we were sent to earth and the blessing we can get from being parents.  It won't be easy but it is truely a blessing.  As we learned about the styles of parenting- I definately want to become an active parent who sets boundaries and whatnot but have a warm and accepting context.  I want my children to be able to come to me about anything and have a strong relationship but to know that there are boundaries that they have to follow.  Parents have a huge responsiblity to provide, protect and to prepare their children as they grow up to be adults so that they will be able to survive and to thrive in our society.  I really enjoyed everyone's and Brother Williams comments throughout the class and has given me a broader sense of what parents should be and shouldn't be. I hope that I will be able to be a good parent.

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